Documenten - SOCRATES2.0

35 documenten over SOCRATES2.0

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  1. Interactive traffic management

    Video | 01-07-2021

  2. Partner reflections on the SOCRATES2.0 project and results

    Video | 01-07-2021

  3. SOCRATES2.0 in a nutshell

    Video | 01-07-2021

  4. Consolidation report, Activity 9

    Rapport | 18-06-2021

  5. SOCRATES2.0 Digital Magazine

    Rapport | 18-06-2021

  6. POLIS paper ONTF Amsterdam

    Rapport | 18-06-2021

  7. Cooperative proactive TM in MRA - Polis Presentation

    Rapport | 18-06-2021

  8. POLIS paper Environmental Zones

    Rapport | 18-06-2021

  9. ONTF Amsterdam Region

    Rapport | 18-06-2021

  10. Cooperation Models for Public-Private Partnerships in Traffic Management

    Rapport | 18-06-2021